Reading Log (NEWS)


NAME : Krisna Apriandi

NPM  : 222122113


Day 1


Date: 4 April 2023




1. How flexing of wealth has become a way of life for many Indonesians.

2. The Real Medical Benefits  of Fasting.

3. ASEAN aims to transform competition into collaboration in overall growth of region.





Newsworthy Event (Main Event)

1. The main event of the article "How flexing of wealth has become a way of life for many Indonesians" is the phenomenon of flaunting or "flexing" one's wealth in Indonesia, which has become increasingly common among many Indonesians. The article explores how this behavior has been normalized and even celebrated in some circles, and how it reflects broader societal changes and economic trends in the country. The article discusses various aspects of this trend, including the influence of social media, the rise of the middle class, and the impact on traditional values and social relationships.

2. The main event of the article "The real medical benefits of fasting" is the health benefits of fasting, which has gained popularity in recent years as a way to improve overall health and well-being. The article explores the different types of fasting, such as intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding, and discusses the various health benefits associated with these practices, including weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and reduced inflammation. The article also addresses common misconceptions about fasting and highlights the importance of consulting a healthcare provider before starting a fasting regimen.

3. The article discusses the statement made by ASEAN Secretary-General, Dato Lim Jock Hoi, who stated that ASEAN aims to transform competition into collaboration in the overall growth of the region. This was announced at the opening of the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (ABIS) 2023, which was attended by business leaders and policymakers from ASEAN and its partners. In his statement, Dato Lim Jock Hoi emphasized the importance of regional cooperation and collaboration among ASEAN member countries in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth in the region. The article also mentions other important topics discussed at ABIS 2023, including digitalization, innovation, and sustainable development.

Background Event (Elaboration)

1. The article talks about how more and more people in Indonesia are showing off their wealth, especially on social media. This is because people are seeing the lifestyles of rich and famous people and want to be like them. In the past, Indonesians thought showing off wealth was not good, but now it is seen as a symbol of success. However, this trend can also cause problems. People who cannot show off their wealth may feel left out. Also, it may make people care too much about things instead of their community. Overall, the article explains why people in Indonesia are showing off their wealth more and what this means for society.

2.The background event of this news is the holy month of Ramadan, which is observed by Muslims worldwide, including in Indonesia. Ramadan involves a month-long period of fasting, during which Muslims abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs from dawn until sunset. The article explores the medical benefits of fasting, which have been increasingly recognized by health experts and researchers. These benefits include improved insulin sensitivity, lower risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and weight loss. The article also discusses the potential psychological and spiritual benefits of fasting, such as increased self-discipline, mindfulness, and empathy.

3. The background event of this news is the annual ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, which was held in Brunei Darussalam in April 2023. The summit brought together government officials, business leaders, and other stakeholders from the ASEAN region to discuss strategies for promoting economic growth and cooperation. The article reports on remarks made by ASEAN leaders at the summit, who emphasized the importance of collaboration and mutual benefit in driving the region's development. The leaders also highlighted the need for continued efforts to improve the business environment and attract investment in the region.

New Vocabularies Found

regarding, thoursers, plenary, mitigating, avoid


1. The article highlights how flaunting one's wealth has become a common practice among many Indonesians. This phenomenon, known as "flexing," has been fueled by social media and a desire to display one's status and success.

2. The article discusses the various health benefits of fasting, which have been supported by scientific studies. These benefits include improved blood sugar control, reduced inflammation, and increased longevity. It also emphasizes the importance of consulting with a healthcare professional before beginning any fasting regimen.

3. The article discusses the ASEAN's aim to shift its focus from competition to collaboration in order to achieve overall growth in the region. This approach is expected to foster greater economic integration and promote sustainable development. The article highlights the need for stronger cooperation among member countries, and the potential benefits that could be gained from such collaboration.

Day 2


Date: 5 April 2023




1. K-pop takeover battle loser HYBE to sell $437 mln stake in SM.

2. FIFA freezes fund for Indonesia's soccer association after U-20 World Cup furor.

3. Government, Muslim groups condemn Israel’s Al-Aqsa attack





Newsworthy Event (Main Event)

1. The main event of the news article is that HYBE, the South Korean entertainment company behind popular K-pop group BTS, is selling its 4.8% stake in SM Entertainment for approximately $437 million. SM Entertainment is another major K-pop agency that manages popular groups like EXO, NCT, and Red Velvet. This move is seen as a significant development in the ongoing battle for dominance in the K-pop industry between HYBE and SM Entertainment. It also reflects a shift in the K-pop landscape, as smaller agencies are gaining more influence and challenging the established players.

2. the main event is that FIFA, the international governing body of football, has frozen funds for the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) following a furor that occurred during the U-20 World Cup in Indonesia. The decision to freeze the funds was made after a number of incidents that occurred during the tournament, including a controversial penalty decision in the final and the use of flares by Indonesian fans during the match. This freeze will impact the PSSI's ability to operate, and FIFA has demanded that the PSSI take immediate action to address the issues and prevent them from happening again in the future.

3. The main event of the news is that the Indonesian government and Muslim groups in the country have condemned Israel's recent attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The Indonesian Foreign Ministry released a statement expressing deep concern over the violence and urging Israel to refrain from any actions that could escalate tensions. Meanwhile, several Muslim groups in Indonesia, including the Indonesian Ulema Council and the Muhammadiyah organization, also strongly condemned the attack and called for solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Background Event (Elaboration)

1. HYBE, a South Korean entertainment company, has decided to sell a $437 million stake in SM Entertainment, another prominent entertainment company in South Korea. This move comes as a result of a legal battle that HYBE lost against SM Entertainment regarding the rights to use certain K-pop songs in HYBE's music game app In 2019, HYBE (then known as Big Hit Entertainment) released a mobile game called "SuperStar BTS," which included songs from various K-pop groups, including BTS, which is under the management of HYBE. SM Entertainment claimed that the game used songs from its artists without permission, and filed a lawsuit against HYBE. In February 2022, the Seoul Central District Court ruled in favor of SM Entertainment, ordering HYBE to pay damages and to stop using the disputed songs in the game. As a result of the legal battle, HYBE has decided to sell its stake in SM Entertainment to cover the damages awarded by the court. This move is also seen as a strategic decision to focus on HYBE's own artists, such as BTS and TXT, and their growing global success.

2. the background event of this news is the U-20 World Cup in Indonesia, which is a football tournament for players under the age of 20. The tournament was held in Indonesia, and it seems that several incidents occurred during the tournament, which prompted FIFA to freeze the funds for the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI). The article does not provide detailed information about the incidents that occurred during the tournament, but it does mention that there was a controversial penalty decision in the final and the use of flares by Indonesian fans during the match. These incidents seem to have led to concerns about the safety of players and fans, and may have contributed to FIFA's decision to freeze the funds for the PSSI

3. The background event of the news is the recent attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem by Israeli security forces. The article reports that the attack occurred during a clash between Palestinians and Israeli police, which erupted after Israeli authorities tried to prevent Palestinian worshippers from gathering at the mosque for Friday prayers. According to eyewitnesses and media reports, Israeli police used tear gas, rubber bullets, and stun grenades to disperse the crowd, injuring dozens of people. The incident is part of a broader pattern of violence and tensions between Israelis and Palestinians over issues such as land, settlements, and religious sites in the region. The Al-Aqsa Mosque is a holy site for Muslims and is located in the Old City of Jerusalem, which is considered a flashpoint for conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

New Vocabularies Found

estranged, governance, despite, sanction, escalated, rallied, 


1. The article reports that Hybe, a South Korean entertainment company, will sell its stake in another K-pop entertainment company, SM Entertainment. This move is seen as a consequence of the ongoing competition among K-pop agencies in the music industry.

2.FIFA has suspended funding for the Indonesian Football Association after a controversy related to the U-20 World Cup. The decision comes after allegations of match-fixing and other irregularities during the tournament.

3. The Indonesian government and Muslim groups have condemned the recent attack by Israeli police at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. The attack has sparked widespread outrage among Palestinians and the Muslim community worldwide.


Day 3


Date: 6 April 2023




1.Is K-Pop Indonesian political parties' latest tool to entice young voters?

2. The force of nationalism is strong in Indonesia. This year it will reach fever pitch

3. Coalition of civil society organizations pins hopes for KPU to keep eye on 2024 election





Newsworthy Event (Main Event)

1. The main event of this news is that some Indonesian political parties are using K-pop to attract young voters in the upcoming regional elections. The article reports that several parties have launched campaign featuring K-pop music and dance performances, as well as using K-pop stars as endorsers or ambassadors. The strategy aims to tap into the popularity of K-pop among Indonesian youth and create a more dynamic and engaging political image. The article also discusses the growing influence of K-pop in Indonesia and its potential impact on political and social trends.

2. The main event of this news is the rising tide of nationalism in Indonesia, which is expected to intensify in the lead-up to the country's presidential election in 2024. The article discusses the various factors driving this trend, including economic concerns, geopolitical tensions, and a growing sense of national pride and identity. The article also notes that some politicians are seeking to capitalize on this nationalist sentiment by promoting policies that emphasize Indonesian sovereignty and independence, as well as taking a more assertive stance on foreign policy issues.

3. The main event of this news is a coalition of civil society organizations in Indonesia calling on the country's Election Commission (KPU) to ensure that the 2024 presidential election is conducted fairly and transparently. The coalition, made up of various groups representing different sectors of society, expressed concerns about potential electoral fraud and called on the KPU to take steps to prevent it.

Background Event (Elaboration)

1. The background event of this news is the upcoming regional elections in Indonesia and the growing influence of K-pop culture in the country. The article notes that Indonesia has one of the largest fan bases for K-pop in the world, with millions of young people following Korean pop stars and music. This popularity has led to the emergence of a vibrant K-pop scene in Indonesia, with local groups and cover bands performing K-pop songs and dances. The article also highlights the importance of young voters in Indonesian politics and the efforts of political parties to appeal to this demographic. The use of popular culture, including music and celebrities, in political campaigns is not new in Indonesia, but the adoption of K-pop as a campaign tool reflects the changing tastes and preferences of young voters in the country. The article notes that some critics have raised concerns about the potential for the commercialization and trivialization of politics through the use of K-pop, but others see it as a positive development that can help to engage and mobilize young voters.

2. The background event of this news is the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia, which is scheduled to take place in 2024. The article suggests that the rising nationalism in Indonesia is partly driven by political parties and politicians who are seeking to win support from voters by promoting policies that emphasize Indonesian identity and sovereignty. The article also notes that there are other factors contributing to this trend, such as economic challenges and geopolitical tensions in the region.

3. The background event of this news is the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia, which is scheduled to take place in 2024. The article suggests that the coalition of civil society organizations is concerned about the possibility of electoral fraud, and wants the KPU to take steps to prevent it. This reflects broader concerns about the integrity of Indonesia's electoral process, which have been raised in previous elections. The article notes that civil society groups have an important role to play in ensuring that elections are conducted fairly and transparently, and that their efforts are crucial for maintaining public trust in the democratic process.

New Vocabularies Found

  1. sphare, imperialist, pitched, colonizers, perceived, enemy


1. The article discusses how Indonesian political parties are using K-Pop as a tool to attract young voters.

2. The author discusses the strong force of nationalism in Indonesia this year and how it will likely reach a fever pitch.

3. A coalition of civil society organizations is hoping that the General Election Commission will closely monitor the 2024 election in Indonesia.

Day 4


Date: 7 April 2023




1. A sustainable palm oil development model for Papua

2. Malaysia's AirAsia Group to only allow fully vaccinated passengers

3. Gunung Padang to have tourist train next year





Newsworthy Event (Main Event) the proposal of a sustainable palm oil development model for the Indonesian province of Papua, which aims to balance economic development, conservation, and social justice in the context of palm oil production. The article discusses the challenges and opportunities of implementing such a model, and suggests ways to involve various stakeholders in the process, while adopting best practices and standards for sustainability.

2. The main event in the news article is that Malaysia's AirAsia Group has announced that starting from October 2021, they will only allow fully vaccinated passengers to board their flights. This decision is part of the airline's effort to ensure the safety and well-being of their customers and employees amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The new policy applies to all flights operated by AirAsia Malaysia, AirAsia Thailand, AirAsia Indonesia, and AirAsia Philippines. Passengers will need to provide proof of their vaccination status before boarding their flights.

3. The main event in the news article is that Gunung Padang, an archaeological site in West Java, Indonesia, is set to have a tourist train starting the following year. The train will transport visitors from a nearby station to the site, which is known for its megalithic structures and ancient artifacts. The development of the tourist train is part of the Indonesian government's efforts to promote tourism in the country and make it easier for visitors to access popular attractions. It is hoped that the introduction of the tourist train will increase the number of visitors to Gunung Padang and boost the local economy.

Background Event (Elaboration)

1. The article discusses the need for a sustainable palm oil development model in Papua, Indonesia. The author argues that current palm oil practices in the region have caused significant environmental damage and have not benefited the local communities. The author proposes a model that prioritizes the conservation of the region's biodiversity, engages local communities in the decision-making process, and ensures equitable distribution of benefits from the industry.

2. The background event in the news article is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a significant impact on the travel industry. Airlines around the world have been implementing various measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including requiring passengers to wear masks, practicing social distancing, and implementing enhanced cleaning and sanitation protocols. Vaccination has also become a key factor in travel, with many countries and airlines requiring proof of vaccination for travelers. Malaysia has been facing a surge in COVID-19 cases in recent months, prompting the government to implement stricter measures to curb the spread of the virus. AirAsia's decision to only allow fully vaccinated passengers is part of this broader effort to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the travel industry and ensure the safety of its customers and employees.

3. The background event in the news article is the growing tourism industry in Indonesia. The government has been actively promoting tourism as a key driver of economic growth, with a target of attracting 20 million foreign visitors by 2019. Gunung Padang is a popular tourist destination in West Java, known for its ancient structures and archaeological significance. The development of the tourist train is part of a broader effort to improve infrastructure and accessibility to popular tourist destinations in the country. This is in line with the government's goal of increasing tourist arrivals and boosting the local economy through the tourism industry.

New Vocabularies Found

acquire, plantations, indigenous, barrier, innoculated, passengers, clearance


1. Promoting sustainable palm oil development in Papua is a positive step towards balancing economic growth and environmental conservation.

2. AirAsia's decision to only allow fully vaccinated passengers is a good measure to ensure safe air travel during the pandemic.

3. The upcoming tourist train to Gunung Padang is an exciting development for local tourism, but it is important to preserve the site's cultural and archaeological significance.

Day 5


Date: 8 April 2023




1. Blaclpink's Jisoo makes SOLO debut with ''ME"'

2. Hot 100 First-Timers: NewJeans Debut With Global Smash ‘Ditto’

3. Coachella 2023 line-up: BLACKPINK is the first K-pop band to headline the fest





Newsworthy Event (Main Event)

1. The main event of the news article is that Blackpink's Jisoo has made her solo debut with the release of her first single titled "Me." This marks Jisoo's first solo venture since debuting with Blackpink in 2016. The article provides some background information on Jisoo's career and highlights the positive reception that her debut single has received from fans and music critics alike. It also mentions some of the promotional activities that Jisoo has been involved in to promote her new music.

2. The main event of the news article is that the South Korean girl band NewJeans has made its debut on the Billboard Hot 100 chart with their song "Ditto." This marks the first time that the group has achieved this milestone and is a significant accomplishment for a relatively new group. The article provides some background information on NewJeans and highlights the success of "Ditto" both in South Korea and internationally. It also mentions some of the other artists and songs that are currently performing well on the Hot 100 chart.

3. The main event of the news is the announcement of the full lineup for the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in 2023. The article highlights some of the headliners for the festival, including Kanye West, Billie Eilish, and Lorde. Other notable performers mentioned in the article include Megan Thee Stallion, Post Malone, and Tame Impala. The article also provides information on ticket sales and festival dates.

Background Event (Elaboration)

1. The background event of the news article is the musical career of Jisoo, who is a member of the South Korean girl group Blackpink. Jisoo made her debut with Blackpink in 2016, and the group quickly gained international recognition with their energetic performances and catchy pop songs. Since then, Blackpink has released several successful albums and collaborated with a number of high-profile artists, including Lady Gaga and Selena Gomez. Jisoo's solo debut with the single "Me" represents a new chapter in her career and demonstrates her versatility as a performer.

2. The background event of the news article is the rise of NewJeans, a South Korean boy band that has gained popularity in the music industry. The group was formed in 2021 and has quickly made a name for themselves with their catchy pop songs and energetic performances. Their debut single "Ditto" has been well-received by audiences both in South Korea and around the world, and the group has already amassed a large following of dedicated fans. Their debut on the Billboard Hot 100 chart is a significant milestone for the group and further solidifies their position as rising stars in the music industry.

3.  The news is about the announcement of the full lineup for the 2023 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. Coachella is a popular annual music festival held in California with different music performances, art installations, and food vendors. The festival was canceled in 2020 and postponed to 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The article provides information on some of the headliners and other notable performers scheduled to perform at the festival, along with ticket sales and festival dates.

New Vocabularies Found

wowed, healining, kickstared


1. Blackpink's Jisoo has made her solo debut with the release of "Me" - exciting news for K-Pop fans and followers of Jisoo's career.

2. New Jeans and Ditto have made their debut on the Hot 100 chart, indicating rising popularity for these artists.

3. The full lineup for Coachella 2023 has been announced, promising an exciting mix of music acts for festival-goers to look forward to.


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